%IMG_DESC_1%I don't care if it's hard to read most of the stuff on the desktop. The pic is just nice to look at :) http://interfacelift.com/wallpaper_beta/details/2281/lincoln/'s_revenge.html
Anne has certainly cropped up on my radar as of the last few days too.
Also, ignore the song Bowtie says is playing. I'm not listening to that.
Mar 28, 09:41 AM
Now thats an angry comment if ever i saw one.
Atom Bomb sized moan there!
HAHA true dat! Sorry I got a little angry. Okay I lied. I got very angry. :D
Maybe...I'm not getting a 360 anytime soon anymore...I just realized that Microsoft is even more greedy for our money than ever! I'm not buying into their little game... :rolleyes:
%IMG_DESC_3%I have Zinio and subscribe to multiple magazines on it. It works fine. I don't want a separate app for every magazine that I read. I don't want different controls, different features, different layout, etc. I don't want every magazine "enhanced" with video features in some brave new experiment that I'm funding. I want a PDF of the magazine delivered to me to read. That's what Zinio does (it's an encrypted equivalent to PDF). I want to go to one "virtual" bookshelf and pick the magazine I want to read. That's it.
Conde Nast is having to "slow down" because they've created a damned expensive delivery system instead of using a preexisting thing like Zinio, iBooks, B&N Reader, Kindle, etc. Imagine if every ebook series had its own app!
%IMG_DESC_4%Garmin is finally finished with their Training Center (http://garmin.blogs.com/my_weblog/2006/12/to_mac_owners.html) program for the Mac. It will be available on CD at their booth and downloadable from their website in late January. I would rather not wait until late January, so I'd be happy to paypal someone a couple dollars to ship a CD to me if you happen across the Garmin booth.
Feb 24, 01:35 PM
Awesome! Are you going to OC it?
Sep 12, 10:57 AM
http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)
Apple has posted an MPEG-4 video-on-demand stream (http://events.apple.com.edgesuite.net/sep_2006/event/index.html) of today's special announcement. It is unclear whether it will be broadcasting live or whether it will be a replay of the event as Apple has done in the past and as AppleInsider has claimed (http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=2033). Either way, MacRumors will be providing coverage of the event as it unfolds using our state-of-the-art MacRumorsLive service.
Also, as many of you have already noticed, the Apple Store (http://store.apple.com/) has gone down for updates.
Oct 17, 11:49 AM
I think switching to Intel is helping Apple dispel this argument. Before Apple was captive to the Megahertz Myth, but now that Macs are using the same CPUs as PCs, for most casual consumers this will hopefully translate to acceptance that Macs get more or less the same performance as PCs (I am talking casual consumers not gamers which are a small fraction of the overall consumer market).
Yes, but Apple also needs to keep pace with the introduction of new cpus.
Right now Apple is already falling behind by not bringing the line up-to-date with Core 2 Duo chips and better GPU card offerings.
Also I think the S...L...O...W Finder is really hurting Apple. I am hoping that Leopard addresses the carbon finder and gets it up to speed.
New users click on the windows "Start button" and a menu instantly appears. They scroll over an arrow and a submenu instantly appears. Then they move to an Apple machine. They hold the button down over the documents folder on the dock. (1...2....3...) a menu appears. Then they move up the menu to say a music folder (1....2....3...) and the file list appears.
These are the first impresssions! 99% of people walk away from macs with equivalent cpus to a windows box thinking that it is slow because of Finder. :mad:
Jul 11, 10:35 PM
Is magnesium the main element in fireworks?
What if the MacBook Pros were mae of magnesium?!?!
BOOM! :eek:
%IMG_DESC_9%Wasn't that always his running notion...
He was the Interim CEO of Apple when he took back the helm... so he dubbed all his projects i-Projects... Interim.
Aug 2, 04:16 PM
pretty similar to the rumors on page 2 (obtained by macrumors directly, but "unverified") except that those rumors also include displays and a core 2 duo in something other than the mac pro.
I'm going to split the difference and say
- leopard
- mac pro
- xserve
- displays
Same as I've been saying for a while now! :p
I think I'm most excited about leopard as I won't be in the market for any hardware for a while now.
%IMG_DESC_11%As a developer, I don’t care if it has a cellular radio or not... so iPad and iPod need to be counted too, unless you’re studying carriers alone.
I'm sorry, but I don't see what's wrong with a survey of mobile phone sales only including mobile phones.
You should be looking at other analysis for the information you want.
%IMG_DESC_12%For something like OS re-installs, maybe USB drives. For everything else, downloads, probably. That seems like a logical course of action. But then again, a lot of people don't like to use logic when they make decisions.
You've never installed Final Cut Studio, I'm guessing.
%IMG_DESC_13%Well, for as little as has changed from 10.4 to 10.5, I'd put my bets on vista having more bugs.
That would be a safe bet, Vista is bound to have more bugs than Leopard. Then again, Apple tries to work out bugs before launching as OS, not after the release like M$. :D :)
Dec 7, 12:58 AM
I'd really like to go, not sure if I can though, I get back to school on the 8th, so I'd have to miss a few days, chances are, not gonna happen, I'm begging them!
PS: Thanks for the free passes, I'll register when I am fairly confident I'm going.
%IMG_DESC_15%The iPhone doesn't offer anything new to an already saturated market. If we wanted to look ahead at developing cell phone technologies, one quick glimpse across the ocean and we'd see it all in Japan. In Tokyo, their phones are their train tickets. One swipe of the cell phone over a reader and you're sorted. Internet and music is old news for them, as it is for most of the world. And a touch screen? Now there's a problem waiting to happen.
You've never used a smartphone have you? my P910 had a physical flip keyboard/number pad, and i removed it (removal is a standard feature of the p910) and just use the touch screen for the last 6 or so months. never been happier. screw a physical button that gets worn and doesnt show you the number any more.
You could say the PC market is saturated by Windows, and the Server market is saturated by Dell/HP/IBM/Sun and Microsoft/Linux, but they still operate in both markets sucessfully. the iPod is proof that they can produce lifestyle devices that people just want, regardless of their computer.
%IMG_DESC_16%A friend took the photo
Excellent photo of Toronto lakeshore skyline with CNTower near harbourfront.
Will your friend be willing to share the original to a fellow Toronto native, please?
%IMG_DESC_17%I will be touring San Fran at 3:00 sorry. But I will be around and the city is so nice. I walked around for 4 hours and also visited the Moscone Center.
Apr 12, 06:05 AM
Can we get some MAC rumors this is absolutely ridiculous, the mac mini and iMac are over due for updates and you still prune the web for the smallest hint about a product that has just been re-released.
I realize your trying to generate traffic but this is getting increasingly low.
The front page is filled with iOS information and a little on FCP and the new Adobe suite.
Where are the MAC rumors. :mad:
Seems like a slow rumor time all the way around.... but I'm sure there will be tons of good ones soon as the WDC heats up. I would think with Lion coming, WDC could bring us some new Macs too.
%IMG_DESC_19%I've got an 11inch. The only thing I truly wish it had is the SD card slot.
Jul 30, 05:19 PM
I do try to avoid bottles of bud, only as a last resort if that's all the event has. As for number 1 import, It probably is as most 'import' beers are brewed in the UK under licence anyway (probably by Interbrew).
As for me I do like my Guinness, in fact a couple of nice pints the other night. After that went to old hooky. Not had that for years, quite an enjoyable pint.
Apr 19, 07:56 AM
True, but Portal 2 is released for both MacOSX and Windows. :|
:) I bought it for Windows as such. No question, Window's allows the BEST gaming experience...both in hardware support, and W7:DX11 > OSX:OpenGL
My real beef is that Apple doesnt compliment its wonderfully built machines with capable GPU's. I mean, a 5750 as the best graphics option in the otherwise superb (might I add expensive) 27inch iMac? Total Fail. Im not looking for them to kick PWR consumption totally, but they could easily facilitate something as powerful as a 560ti or dare I say a 6850.
Exactly, it is just a brand of computer... a tool if you will. Not a bloody religion which changes your whole mindset and world view to the point that you are prepared to strap bombs to your chest to "defend" it.
New to Macs, I take it ;)
Apr 22, 01:59 PM
I'd get the New Yorker in a minute if it was even remotely priced the way it would be for a print subscription. I'd pay even more--due to the convenience factor, but not $5 an issue.
The demand is not there because their prices are unrealistic.
I downloaded one issue after I got my iPad 2. It's a beautiful app -- functional, readable, decent multimedia, feels like the New Yorker brand, etc. -- but $5 a week is WAY too much.
The iPad-optimized Safari version is not completely awful, but I'm probably not going to continue it after the four-week free trial. It's basically a PDF version of the magazine but is clunkier and less readable than a PDF.
I cancelled my print subscription a couple of years go because the pile got too high, but I would get an iPad subscription if it wasn't more than $60 or $70 a year.
I have Zinio and subscribe to multiple magazines on it. It works fine. I don't want a separate app for every magazine that I read. I don't want different controls, different features, different layout, etc. I don't want every magazine "enhanced" with video features in some brave new experiment that I'm funding. I want a PDF of the magazine delivered to me to read. That's what Zinio does (it's an encrypted equivalent to PDF). I want to go to one "virtual" bookshelf and pick the magazine I want to read. That's it.
Conde Nast is having to "slow down" because they've created a damned expensive delivery system instead of using a preexisting thing like Zinio, iBooks, B&N Reader, Kindle, etc. Imagine if every ebook series had its own app!