%IMG_DESC_1%so they moved the month ans search to the top...
not as bif an overhall as i was expecting :( but then again, dunno what iwas expecting:rolleyes: ;)
Jun 15, 04:28 PM
How did you secure an appointment to get set up? Which color did you get? I preordered 2 white iPhones 1st at the local Best Buy, but they weren't able to set an appointment for receiving and setting up the iPhone but said they'll call me "soon" to set one up.
When I paid the $50 deposit, the sales rep told us that they were making appointments (right there on the spot, no call backs or anything), 2 customers at a time, every fifteen minutes on the 24th, starting at 9am. I guess its different for each individual BB store.
I ordered a black iPhone 4 16gb. There was no mention of a problem or a delay with the white ones. If there is a problem with the white ones, then the sales rep (or anyone else in the store) was not aware of it.
Oct 20, 12:38 AM
I definitely agree about the UI inconsistencies throughout Mac OS X. It's getting pretty ridiculous actually. With all the apps looking different, it is SO completely un-mac-like. I understand the need to differentiate the consumer vs pro apps (ical vs final cut pro), but none of the consumer apps match each other, and then the Finder contradicts them all.
Is it just me, or does it seem like they're trying to unify them with this new release? DVD Player, iTunes, iCal -- they all have the same look now and surely the brushed metal of Safari and the Finder will soon disappear. Seems to me this is something that Apple wants done as well!
Or better still, bring back a Aqua-skinned version of the visual Finder of OS 9: The visual navigation through nested folders is what got me hooked on the Mac!
Uh, can't you do this now? Just turn on the option for opening folders in new windows and click on the button in the upper right a few times and voila! Just like old.
Nov 12, 07:56 PM
I more mean that you can pick and chose with Move. For example, I already have a PlayStation Eye from years ago (and so do a fair few people), so if I were to invest in Move I'd simply need a controller to do the basics, and a navigator if I want to pimp it.
The system scales, based on what you already have, and what you want to have. Whereas Kinect is �129, no matter what you own (Move for me would cost less than �70). I do agree however that Move is damn expensive if you need all the components and want 2 players...but then is there really any game worth that outlay right now? I do see Move as having the advantage of buttons though.
I've had a go on Move, and although the controllers were obviously plastic, they felt no more so than every other game controller (DualShock, Wii Remote, 360 controller) under the sun. Kinect's technology is pretty impressive, I will totally admit.
As we both agree, it does simply come down to the games. Killzone 3 may be the make or break of Move, as from what I've seen it'll be the first AAA title from Sony with Move support. Not sure what Microsoft's answer to that will be?
[EDIT: http://kotaku.com/5688040/report-kinect-only-cost-56-to-make
Seriously, $56 to make, selling at $149? Microsoft should have cut it to $99, still made a huge profit, and actually avoided the massive criticism of price. Totally insane]
I agree I mean look at the Move you can get everything you need for $99 and the same price and extra controller. Its just MS typical Nickle and dime scheme.
Apr 12, 03:46 AM
all these rumors are so sick! why should apple release two ipads in one year? that does not make any sense at all. next ipad will probably be the same like the current anyway, they'll add more memory, a faster chip and a better camera and that's it. and maybe they'll also release a third color like silver or pink. but that's it!
i don't want to hear all those rumors anymore if they are so silly. i think the blogs should not pick up every stupid rumor and blow it out of proportion.
Apr 4, 09:49 PM
Sounds good to me. Might as well keep it the same. Hope they let early upgrades for Verizon!
Apr 4, 10:14 PM
I want it in late June, early July at the most. This Autumn rumor is really peeing me off. Think I may even queue up for this one. Actually I won't. There'll be local press at the Apple Store and the last thing I need is to be caught on film standing in line like a total douche with a bunch of other douches!:rolleyes:
Anyone would think a white iPhone was a cure for cancer !!
Why? Because most people won't be all that interested in the cure for cancer? Or because the cure will arrive with mismatched whites?
%IMG_DESC_9%How to track Using iPod +Nike,
1st, go to the gym,then find out who's not good at running,
2nd, make sure that the person you plan to follow is reallly not good at running, or else you'll tire easily trying to maintain the 60 feet distance.:confused:
Nov 10, 10:54 PM
Price is now confirmed at $150 for Kinect + Kinect Adventures. Also confirmed is a new 4GB Arcade 360, based on the slim design, retailing in a bundle with Kinect for $299 (or $199 for the 360 by itself), giving a $50 discount on the total cost.
My thoughts? Too expensive to bother with! Kinect costs nearly as much as a console itself, which is far more complex.
[EDIT: �129 in the UK, bundle price at �249]
Mac Pro(2009) 2.93 Quad | 8GB | 3.46TB | 4870
Mac Pro(2008) 2.8 Octo | 4GB | 1.82TB | 2600XT
iPad 32GB 3G & iPhone 4
EOS 1D Mark III | 5D Mark II
$150 USD is too much? Looking at the toys in red I would figure $150 would be a drop in the bucket. just saying
Apr 12, 03:27 PM
If Apple entered this market it would be on terms the movie studios like more than Netflix. And that would mean more expensive streaming.
I already see what the movie studios have done to netflix as a whole. They are pulling more and more content from their service. Streaming is pretty slim pickings compared to what it was.
The movie studios want to turn netflix into the realm of misfit movies nobody would watch anyway:
Shame. Love me some netflix (both disc and streaming)
%IMG_DESC_12%There already a FREE application with LIVE traffic crowd-sourced data, it is called WAZE and it is awesome, at least in Israel.
%IMG_DESC_13%Is it really that tough for you to understand? Apple sells two phones. Those are the two most popular phones sold.
The other manufacturers ALL sell many, many models of phones. The total sales of those many phones combined equal to a number that is bigger than Apple's total sales.
Maybe what you are saying is correct - when you are talking strickly smart phones.
But this article is about _all_ mobile phones. And in your original posts you stated "handsets" and in this one you state "phone" - not distinguishing from smart phones. To be clear, we all agree (I think) that Apple has the #1 and #2 selling model of smart phones.
Now... I don't know because I haven't seen the numbers but in terms of handsets/phone, it is possible that Nokia has a $9.99 model that sells more than Apple's top selling model.
%IMG_DESC_14%Here be my January Desktop.
care to share the original?
Jun 15, 07:37 AM
So if I preorder one through Best Buy, I am not necessarily guaranteed to get one on launch day -- it will depend on how many come in? It is possible that there will be more preorders than the number of phones Best Buy will receive on launch day? If that is the case, is it first come, first served for picking up your preorder?
In theory and on paper, if you pre-order one you will get it on launch day. BestBuy stores will be allocated the required number of iPhones based upon the number of pre-orders they receive. The only way I could see you not getting one on launch day, is if more pre-orders occurred than were currently manufactured, the shipments get lost or damaged or stolen, or if too large an amount of people try to signup for pre-orders.
If the store only has 1-2 mobile registers, and it takes about 20 minutes to process 1 client (average will be much higher), figure 3 people per hour for about 15 hours (7AM opening to 10PM closing), multiplied by two registers. That's roughly 90 people. As rough as those numbers are, you've got to guesstimate what the chances are of that many people pre-ordering at your nearest BestBuy. At some stores in my area I would be surprised to see half that number pre-order the phone. At other stores I would expect several hundred.
A pretty fair assumption is, that if you are allowed to pre-order then that BestBuy store should be confident that they will have stock levels that will allow you to get a phone. There is a master list so it's not like buying movie tickets, you'll be able to see or ask how many people pre-ordered before you.
Mar 16, 06:38 AM
Australia has cheap good food too. How much is a kilo of fresh tomatoes in Norway? It's approx $3-5 here. Which is approx 16-28 Norwegian Kroner, or 2-3.5 �.
It costs about the same in Norway as in Australia, but the wage level is higher in Norway than in most other countries.
Nov 14, 01:55 AM
...start up, and wake-from-sleep issues on all computers listed.
Thank you Apple! Now I hope my MB doesn't go mad every time I open the screen when it's sleeping:)
%IMG_DESC_19%iCal has been a disaster for 4 OS X releases now. It is, without a doubt, Apple's worse application. It's missing functionality, basic functionality, that has been in every calendaring program since 1992.
iCal is a sad example of Apple going to far to the extreme of minimization.
All I really wanted in the last 2 OS updates was a decent iCal. It's the only thing on the Mac that continually hurts my productivity.
I've learned that iCal is just the price of being a Mac guy, and I don't hope for greatness. Heck, I don't even hope for mediocrity. iCal is always going to be slow, inconsistent UI and barely usable.
I'm at peace with that fact now.
I can't say I agree. Mabe it's because I haven't gone and tried other calendering programs, but I use iCal every day and it's a pleasure to use. It syncs events and to-dos with widgets on dashboard, I'm subscribed to some online calenders to keep track of lost and 24, amung other things, and it's all colorful and organized and looks great. Sure, theres definitely potential for upgrades, but I think it's great as is.
Feb 17, 10:40 PM
If I was folding (don't see the point. I tried it for a few days and didn't see the point.), I'd be using this computer I built back in Jan '10.
Antec 900 two
4GB 1333 ddr3 RAM
Gigabyte P55A - UD3
GTX 260 892MB
Been able to hit 3.8Ghz without changing the voltage very much. Maybe 1.25v. Didn't see the need to overclock just to see Facebook. Stock speeds are plenty fast for me now. Might bring it up gradually.
I hardly use that computer though, after I got my MBP :(
Al Coholic
Apr 17, 12:04 AM
And why is this to be "sadly?" People buy phones all year around. Grow up.
Yeah, right. People doing summersaults over a white iphone and *I* need to grow up.
Jan 4, 01:44 PM
It's great to hear so many young people are going to macworld, I'll be going next year for sure. Every one have a good time.
Oh, BTW, if products are announced as "ships today" then only flagship stores will have the products available immediately in-store right?
- their servers are located in the USA, so I don't know if it's enough to serve streaming media worldwide. Do they currently have servers in other countries for the international iTunes Stores?
Technical issues aside, however, it all boils down to selection and price.
I'm renting a lot of content through the iTunes Store (Apple TV) with an US account and it works like a charm (I'm from southern Germany). HD content can be watched as advertised almost instantly. So either their US servers have enough bandwidth or there really are servers in Europe.
Aug 21, 06:20 PM
Things sure are quiet over in camp Apple...
With the influx of new mobile phones/carriers and mp3 players recently flooding the market, I can't help but think any (Tues)day now, Apple is gonna drop the BOMB.