Apr 27, 06:32 PM
The only downside would be that an offline navigation system requiring only a GPS signal would require GB's of maps data to be stored on the phone. A sacrifice that a lot of people aren't willing to make. Especially people with the 16GB models. Otherwise, without an internet connection, you will just appear as a dot on a map full of gray squares. That's the reason Apple chose google maps in the first place. When they first introduced the iPhone, there would be no plausible way to store maps on a phone with only 4/8GB of storage.
For Tom Tom, the map data for the USA is divided into five sets of about 250-300 MB each. No problem at all. UK is about the same size.
%IMG_DESC_2%I thought Jobs wasn't going to do the presentation today?
So no iPod invisa? http://comfortablydumb.net/wtfbanana.gif
%IMG_DESC_3%I thought people don't read anymore? ;)
Exactly why he feels comfortable participating :p
Apr 29, 07:32 AM
Be sure your sins will find you out!
Apr 15, 11:43 AM
You could try Openoffice.org for Mac. It's basically very like Microsoft Office only Openoffice.org is free.
Instead try NeoOffice (http://www.neooffice.org/neojava/en/index.php), as it does not require the horrible X11 :)
%IMG_DESC_6%More on my firewire issues...
Apparently this update does something to the Target Mode...
The AppleCare techs don't understand what happened, but this
update did cause something serious to happen. Serious enough
to cause the Macbook (in target mode) to cause the Macbook Pro C2D's
1394 to fail as well as it's own. My own fault for testing it on the
Mac Pro after... I should have tried an external drive first.
So, after all is said and done, I have a Macbook and a Mac Pro that
will charge an iPod, but not mount it, and a Macbook Pro that won't
even charge it.
Apple is going to repair the notebooks (via mail-in) and repair the
Mac Pro on-site. The tech also told me NOT to update the firmware
once the 3 of them are repaired.
So, I WOULD NOT recommend putting a Macbook in Target Mode and connecting it to a C2D Macbook Pro after this update. (But if you want
to, please do let me know what happens)
Jun 11, 03:11 PM
Looks like I'll be making a stop at the AT&T store before work on the 24th. It's stupid that they are prohibiting employees from buying it when we won't get the phones till that morning anyway, and its not like Best Buy loses money off employees since I have to pay the exact same as everyone else.
%IMG_DESC_8%We will have to wait to see what FCP X will turn out to be, but Apple said they are fully dedicated to pro's, so I expect FCP X to still be a pro app, with all the pro functionality...I dont get why others are still balking at FCPX as iMovie like?
Ive said this in other posts before, "If you treat it like iMovie, then its iMovie!".
Sep 5, 10:11 PM
Even bigfoot, the loch ness monster and UFOs left photos, the iPhone has shown off absolutely nothing for nearly 12 months worth of rumors, therefore no iPhone.
I can see it now..... iPhoney, Tricked Different
There have been more persistent rumors than that that came true, big time.
Mar 16, 12:10 PM
Japanese culture isn't "superior," it's just "well suited to maintaining public order immediately after a major disaster."
I would also suggest better suited than Americans to face a future where cooperation, both nationally and internationally, will become a more valued and necessary trait.
Jul 12, 04:50 PM
Maybe the $899 iMac is a holdover for people who need to buy now. August 7 could have something that is much nicer than that...next gen eMac?:confused:
%IMG_DESC_12%Are people as outraged by this leak as I am? I can't believe it. He just stole Steve's thunder at a later secret event. This will end up costing Apple the element of surprise and the impact of a special Steve announcement. We've got to punish Lion's Gate somehow. We need to boycott all of their films and show that they cannot mess with Apple. The mothership is under attack! Who's with me? :mad:
God, I can only hope you are alone. He hardly said anything we didn't know. So you go ahead and punish Lion's Gate if you want to, and if your mom will let you, but I am just happy to hear of some progress in this arena.
Apr 28, 04:47 PM
I'm on UQ Wimax with an NEC A t e r m W M 3 5 0 0 R router. It's a POS really, I keep losing my wifi connection when I have my laptop AND my Android phone(s) connected. But it's so inconsistent, sometimes hours go by before I get an issue, sometimes it happens within minutes.
I only keep it cuz it's fairly stable with just my MBA connected, and because of the amazing 8 hours of battery.
This was plan with no contract, and flat fee for unlimited (actually really unlimited, this is Japan!) data. �4490/month. With contract is �500 cheaper or something, maybe �1000. Can't remember. Device itself was �5100, and activation was another �2-3000.
Thanks for the info, I need to find a good reasonable price on an iPad sim card (the AT&T international rates are a joke)!
We have a bunch of free wifi hot spots on the bases so my laptops are fine with those but the iOS devices don't play well with them and the ISP doens't really seem to care to want to fix that connectivity...
%IMG_DESC_14%Atleast there is something good about DELAY rumors... they push for real release date rumors and more info on the new product.
Same thing happened with the iPad 2 Delay rumors.
Stocks go down and people start looking towards other products when delay rumors surface. So the pressure to bring other realistic release date comes out
%IMG_DESC_15%I bet they make some of that back with deals made with the power companies. These things need to be plugged in.
Not really, but it would be stupid for a buyer not to though.
Wake me up when it supports Exchange 2003 just like all of their Windows versions.
Que the one MS fanboy who will say it's old tech and Microsoft will never support it.
Guess the team that works on Office 2010 for the PC never got that memo since that works like a dream with Exchange 2003.
Or, you could be like the Office for Mac team and happily keep your head in the sand.
Apr 11, 11:44 AM
They are indeed, but anything painted is not going to be nearly as scratch-proof as what we have right now.
Depends on the clear coat really. Look at how "scratch" resistant a car is going 100 km/h on the highway, exposed to all sorts of elements and debris and then tell me the expose aluminum on a Macbook would fare as well.
Clear coat is surprisingly resistant.
%IMG_DESC_18%I agree with all of these posts about pricing. My suggestion: stop buying stuff...or start pirating again. THAT seems to get their attention. All price point talk is irrelevant to them...they dont care how unhappy we are - unless we force them to change.
Apr 12, 09:27 AM
Who cares, its still a cheap gimmick.
Ehh...or its just a cool, innovative thing that wont cost us extra money. But what do I know :o
Apr 11, 07:51 AM
I remember rumors here in 2004 or so about a possible forthcoming carbon fiber G5 Powerbook.
Here's a thread (courtesy of mroogle):
note that that thread even turned to liquid metal....
its OUR decade!
i think the article link is broken? goes to blank screen to me, just saying..
I would say it's pretty simple. The wests power and wealth mainly relies on Oil, which is drying up. No?
Apr 16, 11:37 PM
No iP5 so just to keep the torches and pitchforks at bay Apple "releases" the same thing just with different lipstick. LOL!
Sadly, there's plenty of folks that will lap this up.
And why is this to be "sadly?" People buy phones all year around. Grow up.
Sep 5, 05:18 PM
I am seriously doubting if there is any iPhone, it is kind of getting stupid with these iPod next tuesday rumors.....