wallpaper muslimah sejati.The Apple iPhone would have to be better in functionality than a Blackberry to be considered useful, unless they can work out a better input device method or utilize Microsoft's Vista speech recognition program.
Hurray! Exactly what I'm thinking.
If Apple accomplishes this, I'll sell my Blackberry and buy Apple's phone in a flash.
But please, no speech recnogization... have you seen Microsoft's demo of their technology? Hilarious.
wallpaper muslimah sejati.AppleInLVX
May 7, 01:06 PM
Honestly, I am about to not renew. It's just not that useful. The only thing I would keep it for is the online idisk, and with dropbox or novadrive coming up with better and cheaper alternatives, I see no reason to continue to use it. However, if Apple makes it free, then they can use that as another feature of their products in general. They could sell the idisk storage, or give away 5 gigs or something, like drop box does.
Exactly how I feel about it. Google Docs does the same thing for free, and if you need extra storage, you can get four TIMES the storage for less annually than a mobileme subscription.
I'll keep it free. Otherwise come the renewal I'm gone.
wallpaper muslimah sejati.Apple had the same problem with the original LISA UI. It was so simplistic that they lost the lawsuits. Same may happen here.
That's not at all what happened.
wallpaper muslimah sejati.macintoshi
Mar 30, 01:17 AM
Hard for me, even as an Apple fan, to weep too much for a company that chooses to do business overseas isntead of here in America, employing Americans.
Hopefully the situation in Japan improves -- for reasons beyond this.
What does that mean, that we europeans have no right to get it at almost same time cause of disgracedfull people like you?
You got the iPad before us, first of all!
Second is, we have right, also to get it!
Third, Apple now is international!!!
So please stop pushing us more down as you are, cause your ass stinks same as all others!
All have right, to get an iPad everywere and at the same Time!
Wanted just to say this.
wallpaper muslimah sejati.The iBook is a close also ran IMHO. Given the comments here there is a desire for something the size of the 10" Sony sub-notebook that would give users the option of a touch screen and keyboard. In particular, if it were very near or under the $1000 price point.
Perhaps it helps to think of the tablet as an iPod video with optional KB & mouse? Or a mini iMac with a battery. Or maybe even iTV to go! :p
I think the market for a well-executed device like this is much larger than one might think, particularly after the last time I flew long distance in coach and saw lots of folks trying to watch DVDs on their 15" Windows notebooks and trying to balance them on their laps partially open to as to not interfere with the seatback in front of them.
wallpaper muslimah sejati.lol both of you guys, its called the iPad... by the way Apple made it very clear that touchscreen laptops dont work well.
No, he's talking about the drawing that shows something like a 24" iMac than can be swivelled down on your desktop from it's normal upright position to a slightly inclined position (like an iPad on it's new triangle smart cover back rest) and then you lift your arms up and use the 24" screen like an iPad.
Seems such a bad idea.
I like the idea of a giant touch screen in the surface of a desk, for some uses, but I'm really unsure about swinging an iMac screen around and sticking your hands all over it.
This image here: http://www.alltouchtablet.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/touchscreen-apple-imac.jpg
wallpaper muslimah sejati.infidel69
Mar 28, 11:21 AM
Great news...... for Google.
wallpaper muslimah sejati.digitalbiker
Aug 4, 09:33 PM
It seems to me that the future of running Windows on our Macs is to not run Windows on our Macs.;)
Actually, I think Apple would be far more successful in letting Microsoft develop a better version of Virtual PC for OS X. Then people could run their Windows apps at near native performance. The machine would be a little safer from a virus infection stand point and Apple wouldn't have MS all over their back with lawsuits.
Microsoft would make money on their software and Apple would make money on their hardware as well as software.
Whats wrong with that! Everyone is happy. No revolution or bloody war. Just plenty of apps and great hardware.:D
wallpaper muslimah sejati.Fourth, these numbers are for the US only. The worldwide picture is very different.
You do realise that America is the country where iOS is most used, right?
wallpaper muslimah sejati.Yeah the nerve of Apple and Google!
What do you think they do with the data? Maybe Steve likes to see his herd of iPhones sparkle by the 10's of millions across the planet? I'm sure Google is also setting up the fortress of solitude so they can wield their web ads at will to all Droid's as you meander in your average life! :eek:
The nerve of them both and I bet Microsoft is doing this too! :rolleyes:
How freak'n ridiculous.
Yeah, who really cares if someone can see where you've been anyway, unless you are cheating on your wife or have committed a crime. And in the latter case, this information is available from the cell company anyway via a court order.
wallpaper muslimah sejati.Sweetfeld28
Dec 5, 12:14 AM
i think this would make a good revision of the newly rumored 12" MacBook Pro.
wallpaper muslimah sejatiUnfortunately, most posters here think Apple always acts in the best interests of its customers. Kind of cute, actually.
If you find it cute, why is it unfortunate? Or were you just trying to be condescending?:rolleyes:
I've seen no evidence that MOST posters think Apple ALWAYS acts in the best interest of its customers. Apple generally tries to keeps its customers happy, though, as do all (successful) companies.
wallpaper muslimah. jilbabJustinf79
Apr 21, 05:38 PM
Hopefully it'll be cheaper as well... :D
Wallpaper+muslimah+sejatiAfter hearing that they will delay shipping of the TomTom kit until December 2nd, I decided to give my local MacStore a call (not Apple Store). It was only $99.95 with no sales tax in Oregon. $10 more than Bottom Line Technologies, but I have the TomTom kit in my hands right now :)
Apr 21, 05:38 PM
Hopefully it'll be cheaper as well... :D
Syair: Keyakinan Muslim SejatimatthewHUB
Nov 26, 04:24 PM
Too many buttons - if there were any more I'd think it was a Microsoft product. :D ;)
lol my point exactly... and look at the status lights! What a joke. Was this mock-up meant to be a joke, or was it actually serious? Kind of lacking in the apple-ness department (OSX aside)
Anyway... thank god at least for a new rumour. Was getting annoyed abotu having to read the 'thanksgiving sale confimed' BS.
give me an ultraportable... interface is up to steve.
Wallpaper+muslimah+sejatiI've been looking all over the internet and the stores do not carry them either. Frankly this is BS, first TOMTOM pushes the date of release by over a month and then they cannot even keep up with supply.
wallpaper muslimah sejati.mikeinternet
Nov 26, 02:34 PM
wallpaper muslimah sejati.So, how is MacShrine perceived in the rumor community? Do they have a sufficiently good track record for us to say, "this is it - the Merom MBP is finally coming", or is this likely to be just another rehash of all the Core2Duo MBP hype/frustration going around?
i assumed software optimized for 64 bit hardware.
maybe, but we don't have that yet
I feel like im taking crazy pills...I think theres some confusion as to my feelings on the topic. Apple SHOULD include a discrete GPU in all of it's PRO Macbook line. Period. If you want a more exotic upgrade, fine. But to give a high end, expensive notebook integrated graphics is pure rubbish! Now, does Apple make more money by their status quo? Absolutely. Is is the right thing for the consumer? NO.
Apr 25, 09:50 AM
+1. My IP is being logged right now most likely. No matter where you go, using any communication device, you can be tracked. If you're that paranoid, get off the grid. Every phone company tracks your location. This for iPhone users is just a log of it on your phone.
I do agree, however, that the consolidated.db file should at least be encrypted if it is to remain on the device. Now any good crook knows all they need is your iphone to find out when best to rob you.
What is actually tracked is not _your_ location, it is the location of WiFi basestations around the country. Which Google, Apple, and Skyhook use for their "poor man's GPS" that allows a device with WiFi but without working GPS to find its location. Skyhook started this by having cars drive round the country, recording the position of WiFi devices. Google and Apple, having the infrastructure, use a more efficient method to do this - instead of driving cars throught the country, they use people's iPhones or Android phones to collect the same data. Note they are not collecting _your_ data, they are collecting the data of WiFi base stations that you happen to pass with your iPhone.
The database file is most likely there so your phone knows which information it has already sent, so it doesn't send info about the same basestation twice. That should be easily checkable - is the database full with hundreds of copies of your home location or not? Does it have dozens of copies of locations along your way to work? I think each location is recorded only once, so a crook stealing the phone would know places where I have been, but not how often I go where. So they would have very little clue where to find me.
And the whole scenario seems very unlikely. It would be very, very rare that a specific person is robbed intentionally. That robber will most likely come to your home without having any idea who lives there, or wait in a dark alleyway and rob the next person to come along, not stealing your phone in order to find other information about you and rob you again. It is just a hypothetical danger that is not actually going to happen.
But what actually does happen and worries me (well, I'm not worried, but some people should be), is that apparently it is possible to access Google's database. There is a website where you can enter the MAC address of your router, and it will find its location. It found mine within about 100 meters. That might make it possible to find people who don't want to be found. So anyone who moves to escape a stalker, or goes into witness protection, they better not take their router with them to the new home.
Apr 20, 01:41 PM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)
Only in US. For the rest of the World (the northern part of it) summer starts on June 1st and ends on August 31st :)
Really? So we just disregard the ACTUAL start and end times of seasons now? June 21 to Sept 21 is summer.
The "actual start dates"? Season start and end dates have changed over time and cultures. The solstices used ro be Midsummer's Day and Midwinter's Day, not the start of Summer and the start of Winter.
Why would they give the Macbook that but leave the iMac with the original Core Duo? Doesn't make sense. I would think all three would get it or just the Macbook Pro.
The report out of China was about companies supplying macbooks, not the one's supplying the iMacs. They said nothing about the iMac because they weren't in that model's supply chain. I would expect the iMac to updated at the same time as well. I'm also betting that the macbook pro and macbook both get core 2 duo chips, with MBP getting faster ones with 4MB L2 cache, and MB getting slower ones with lower L2 cache.
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