Free Happy New Year 2011,Apple's problem is that they put "Looks" before performance.
They crippled their chances of ever becoming a serious competitor to the PC for games due to deciding to use giant laptops on a stand which meant they could not cool any decent graphics cards, handing the gaming crown to the PC for years on a plate.
As for the future who knows.
And today they are the Gold Standard for consumer tech.
OS X runs very well on Apple hardware. OS X apps run very well on Apple hardware. Not sure what the problem with performance is.
Those "laptops on a stand" are selling in record numbers while the rest of the computer industry is in a sharp downturn.
They've got the future of gaming all locked up nice and tight on iOS, not on PCs as we know them but on mobile devices which keep getting more powerful and which as we know, are the future of computing.
Your anecdotal opinion is cool and all, but perspective please!
Apple has been completely and unequivocally unaffected by conceding the gaming market to someone else. Instead, they've revisited it and have created a new standard. if that's what "losing" means then I'm damned impressed.
your new desktop wallpaperAnyone know what the figures are for the UK?
I get the feeling Apple products are a lot more common in the US and they have a more loyal following.
I see more people with a larger variety of devices in the UK, which is nice. Good to see individuals selecting handsets that suit them, rather than just following the pack.
I'd be interested to see UK market share, Nokia would have a higher share here to I guess. Albeit nothing like that it was a few years ago.
Actually I'd expect there to be a lot of non smart phones still in the UK, on old 18 or 24 month contracts coming to an end, so smartphone share could well jump a lot in the next year of so in the UK. Be interesting to see which way it goes.
May 7, 10:49 AM
Free MobileMe as an iAd platform? That sounds about right. Paid MobileMe without the iAds? I think we're getting somewhere now...
The problem with this idea is that it's based on the assumption that Apple wants to be like Google and suddenly become an advertiser.
They purchased Quattro and developed iAds because it represents a mutually beneficial deal for developers on the app store and Apple. Apple designs the ads and runs them on their servers and developers get to deliver free or .$99 apps that can actually be profitable. Quid pro quo...Apple gets more apps hopefully that don't suck and the developer gets to reap the rewards of the success of the app store.
That same play doesn't come into effect with Mobileme. It's not dependent on 3rd party developers delivering content so thusly you will not see iAds in Mobileme.
Apr 23, 05:58 PM
Instead of pixel based images that are just bigger, why not simply ship vector based icons/wallpapers ?
Good point! I was wondering the same myself.
best wallpapers for desktopFake. Yet another chipset change would lead to many unnecessary problems.
Mar 26, 11:11 PM
Change the thread title!!!! Whats with all these crappy/misleading titles lately!!!
Just to get attention that's all.
I doubt iOS 5.0 or the next iphone will be delayed.
Happy New Year 2011macenforcer
Aug 7, 05:19 PM
Thanks for raising the noise question. My thoughts exactly. Since there wasn't a case redesign, I suspect the noise specs to be similar to G5.
No way. The G5s main problem was the fan that cooled the HDs and the main motherboard chipset, it wasn't the cpu fans that were loud. This machine will be much quiter.
These new xeons require 1/4 the watts.
desktop wallpapers, NewThat is the proper answer, the equation is not ambiguous.
Wrong. As I posted, the expression as typed here is ambiguous because its interpretation depends on the conventions used. It has nothing to do with understanding or not mathematics. Both 2 and 288 are correct answers, according to the conventions you used.
I don't get why some people think that "/" is somehow a separator or something. That is a mystery to me. But the original expression could be interpreted as 48/(2*(9+3)) if you're in the juxtaposition=grouping clan.
New HD Wallpapers, Desktop2 is winning.
Time to get some wining.
Ask Charlie Sheen.
New year 2011 latest mobile9adztaylor
Apr 25, 11:49 AM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)
I don't get the big deal about it. If you want to be anonymous, get off fb, twitter, macrumors, etc. Then cancel all Internet plans you have and your cellular plan. Then no one will ever know where you are unless you tell them.
Absolutely 100% in agreement.
More. NewI really think Apple will offer atleast 3 resolutions ie QVGA, DVD and(crossing fingers) HD 720p(may be at an extra cost and limited in number of available titles). Apple needs to do something which will set them apart from Amazon. I`ll be really disappointed if all we get is the same as Amazon.
Apple is not concerned with the width of your internet pipe, they will be concerned about the pressure everyone else puts on their own pipes.
All I can say is plan on being disappointed. You will get wide-screen aspect ratios but there is no way they will start out with (720p or 1080i) HD quality for an internet download. Amazon didn't do it for the same reasons. A movie download store is of no particular use to anyone if you could drive to the store and purchase the movie quicker. Geeks who don't mind fiddling around with BitTorrent not withstanding, John Q. Public needs something straightforward and simple.
I'm more interested in the way Apple plans on getting around the "you gotta watch it on your computer screen" problem. Computers are fun and all, but when I watch a movie, I want to do it curled up on the couch in front of my TV. I don't live in a dorm room and I have no particular desire to replace my TV with a computer screen. The number and types of movies that I will download will be severely restricted if they are limited to those that I am willing to watch on my computer.
Apple has to solve that problem if they want their video store to take off. And I think SJ knows it. Really high quality video would be a bonus, but non-HD, widescreen aspect ratio video that I could stream directly to my TV with little or no headache would suit me just fine.
Desktop wallpapers hightazinlwfl
Apr 25, 09:03 AM
This issue is really starting to frustrate me. iPhone users that I know are starting to freak out because they're getting their information from sensationalized media and don't really understand what's really going on.
That is one of the reasons Apple can't sit on their hands with this issue - there are too many people getting misinformation that are spreading it to others.
Deepika Padukone 2011 New Yearwe wont see it in macs until mid 2012
Jul 30, 06:34 AM
Iphone? I just can't see it... It will kill their ipod sales - it will be like shooting themselves in the foot. The reason is that all phones are now free with a contract - we have difficulty in having any value in our phones nowadays.. if you had a free iphone with a contract which had ipod facilities then why would you buy an ipod? It just doesnt make sense.. unless they ONLY sell it sim free. If they do bring one out then i'll certainly buy one, but I am not sure that it is such a good idea... I'd rather they produced a phone/pda hybrid like the xda - I think that this would fit better into their existing product portfolio..
Year desktopjan , HappyIf Apple moved to America then I'd have to stop buying their products. They're already quite expensive now. If that price jumped up then I'd just buy a competitors product instead.
Infact one has to wonder if there are more US nationalists than people who like cheap products. Somehow I don't think it'd involve a narrow margin.
Right now Apple products are priced well and their production quality is very high. Why would we need to change that?
Girls wallpaper Latest amp; NewChris5488
Apr 24, 03:49 AM
Note that the 3200x2000 wallpaper is form factor 16/10 and not 16/9!
Does this means Apple will be reverting to widescreen 16/10 displays instead of the tv-widescreen 16/9? Wouldn't be bad :D
I really hope the new iMac will have such a screen, and comes with a decent GPU like the HD6970m or the HD6950m for the top 27" iMac.
wallpapers of year 2011. newWirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)
They just need to bring the ability to edit photos from my aperture/iphoto library on my ipad, while syncing those changes back to Mac after!
Free Chinese New Year 2011I haven't heard the business argument. So businesses with Linux must also be running AV software? How many Mac viruses have there been in the wild?
2011 new year greetings en-At least 5 megapixel camera, I'd love to minimize the amount of things in my pocket by combing my camera and my cell phone ( i hate the beast but my mother makes me carry it) but there isint a camera phone good enough to actually use to take a picture other than an imac G5 in an elevator.
- The inablilty to do "texting :) :) :) :) :) :) " although there would be an option for "texting" but if someone were to select it a dialogue would come up , "YOU ARE RETARDED, just call them." the only option would be, "get hit by a bus"
5 megapixel seems unrealistic for a cellphone camera right now, but it would sure be nice, I have a 1.3 megapixel camera on my phone, just because it's 1.3 megapixels doesn't mean it's good quality, how do we know that the 5 megapixel camera will be any better? could be as grainy or worse as a low end VGA/megapixel camera :( but knowing Apple, some people will pay a shiny red cent for high quality camera anyways (esp Apple fans)
I disagree for inability to do texting, say if you are in a different country, where it costs say $3/minute just to call someone, or 50c just to send a text message (receiving is usually free), big difference if you just want to send a message of "I'm at the door" or "I'm leaving right now", I'm currently paying for long distance since I'm in a part of Canada that is not my home region, any time someone not from the area I'm in calls ME, I pay for it, and any time I call someone from home, I pay for it as well, so text messaging has really cut down on bills, I don't go over my minutes as much anymore with texting, since 90% of my calls were 1 minute or less calls, so thats where text messaging comes in handy. Although I would rather use a blackberry-like device with free email (if there was such thing, or have an email-only plan that doesnt require a data plan, like text messages)
The rumors talking about the iPad 3 are mostly saying it would be a different model than the current iPad. There's multiple Macbook Pros. Don't be surprised if there are multiple iPads, like an iPad pro.
There are already multiple iPads.....18 of them to be exact. Why would u think Apple would want to add to this already rediculous number. This whole idea about a iPad pro line needs to stop. It doesn't make sense. It's only 2011. Want an iPad pro.....get an AIR.
May 4, 03:10 PM
thanks for alerting me to this. I had no idea that macrumors took up gbs of my bandwidth cap. :p
lol :)
Aug 4, 09:31 AM
Where does this leave Conroe and Allendale? Apple's marketing strategy has always been that the PowerBooks (MacBook Pro) have faster processers then any of the iMac offerings. The Conroe and Allendale (Desktop) chips run faster then the Merom (Mobile) chips.
:confused: The imac had a G5 for a long time while the powerbook had a G4. The imac ended with a 2.1 G5 and the powerbook topped out at a 1.67 G4. Apple has no problem, nor should they, putting a faster processor in a desktop than a notebook, even when the notebook is a "pro" machine and the desktop a "consumer" machine.
I've maintained all along that the imac will get Conroe. It's a midrange desktop, not a laptop. Why would/should it get a laptop processor? (and don't say "yonah is a laptop processor." Apple did that because they wanted to switch to intel and the Pentium IV was not a valid option, so yonah was the only choice. Now they have a real desktop processor available, and they will use it.)
Sure you will. :rolleyes:
No need for the rolling eyes there… Some of us already have.
Apple is not the end all be all. Sometimes change is good. ;)
Bad move to keep the iPhone out for 2 years.
I agree.
There is no way Apple can take a break from this cycle.
What is that saying about he who rides the tiger?
Aug 7, 08:32 PM
I thought the keynote was awesome! :D The Mac Pro definitely seems like one kick ass computer. $2499 isn't bad at all for what you are getting. Dual Xeon processors? I'll take one (if I had the money)!