Wallpaper yahooHell, Apple has so much cash they should buy AMD. :D
Apple can then sell CPUs to the PC manufacturers such as HP, Dell, etc. :D
pictures wallpapers YahooWhy has it taken them so long to embrace HD????!! And no... 720p is not the standard...
Dmoz Wallpapers - YahooSo I guess that Gold Master rumor was wrong.
At least 95% of rumors posted here and other Apple-related forums end up being wrong.
wallpaper yahoo im,longboardsThis would be great. I cancelled my home phone a couple years back and also cable TV. These cuts saved me close to $100 per month. To save an additonal $69 per year, the amount I paid last year on Amazon for MobileMe, would be another great savings.
Yahoo desktop wallpaper, YahooRocketman
Nov 26, 06:46 PM
Whoever named a microphone "micro" in the 60's needs 1000 people to buy him a beer.
Send it via the internet!
High Rez Wallpaper yahooSmall White Car
Apr 5, 01:10 PM
Kind of weird, Apple should not be meddling in that stuff. Way way too domineering.
Apple should absolutely have asked for this.
Toyota should have said 'no,' but for Apple to not ask at all would have been irresponsible. They're being consistant, which is a good thing.
Calendar Wallpaper, Yahoonoservice2001
Aug 3, 11:06 PM
go apple! speed!
Apple logo wallpapers searchI think to the end user, the difference between Yonah and Merom is minimal.
From a supply chain perspective, it is far easier to manage one SKU than multiple ones. You immediately half the number of CPUs that you need to stock by moving all mobile to Merom. And give the fact that some speculate the price between the two CPUs are minimal, and that Apple is a premium brand, it wouldn't be a far reach to see that it is quite advantageous for them to move onto better hardware and keep the price as is.
Good point.
It's a speed bump, if anything. Not something Apple typically makes a big fuss about, despite the fact we know it's two different cores. Yonah -> Merom is a far smaller ordeal than Merom -> Santa Rosa.
Well actually merom will still be used when santa rosa chipsets come out (santa rosa is the chipset, merom the chip that it supports). I get what you're saying though.
Actress Wallpaper yahooI can already see Phil sitting in the audience and then Job's cell phone rings..
Jobs: um..excuse me a sec..Seems I have a phone call..
Pulls out this cool looking cell phone,flips it open and says hello?
Phil: Say Steve,can we have a chat real fast ? then starts up iChat on his iPhone..
Jobs: starts up iChat on his cell phone..
The rest is history :D
i could see something like that happening
Quotes Wallpapers yahooMovieCutter
Aug 4, 11:35 AM
How many people plan to dump their Core Duo Macs for Core 2 Duo Macs?
Already sold my MBP 17" and my 20" iMac and are shipping them out this weekend...he he he.
Then again, I have two reasons to have the latest and greatest shiny new thing.
1) I have a terrible disease that causes me to do this.
2) I edit everything from 30 second commercial spots to feature length documentaries and I need to have all the speed I can get.
Dmoz Wallpapers - YahooOkay, I've heard here a lot, that people want simple integration/syncronization with iTunes, iPhoto, iCal, & Address Book. These are all, (minus iTunes) 100% Mac-Centric. PC users would only get integration/syncronization with iTunes. What good is that to them? At that point you only have iPod + Phone.
So Apple has a choice: Mac-Centric or not.
Knowing Apple, their first choice is "not" (which doesn't mean it will start out that way, but we'll just have to wait to find out). Apple would then have to either write iCal et al. for Windows or build in support for Outlook, ...uh... photo viewer... whatever PCs use for photos.
Both are daunting tasks.
Conclusion: In order for Apple to make a phone as good and as universal as the iPod, it will have to accomplish one of the aforementioned daunting tasks.
Making a phone for Mac users would be a walk in the park, because 1) it's such a small microcosm, 2) It's an environment that they are familiar with.
Making a phone for everyone will not be as easy. HOWEVER, Apple is great at building OSes (the iPod OS is simple & intuitive and I have no doubt that they will do the same with a phone) and Apple is great at integration with software, so even though there will be hurdles to overcome, Apple will eventually churn out a phone that is simple and is loved by everyone.
I also think there won't be a single serious Mac-User who won't have one. It'll just be too handy to have a device that will sync easily with the awesome Mac software.
There's no reason why they will choose to exclude syncing with mac applications. iTunes for everyone, and extras for mac users. And really they would only have to write something that would deal with Outlook to cover most Windows users to keep everyone happy.
wallpapers yahoo. logo diOS uses services from a company called Skyhook to help with location tracking. they use GPS and wifi access points to pinpoint locations faster than GPS.
Apple stopped using Skyhook a while back, I think around v3.2 or something. Let me check. Yes, that was when Apple changed (http://techcrunch.com/2010/07/29/apple-location/) to using their own WiFi and cell databases.
Agreed. Google's darling Android doesn't just track cell towers. They've found it recording wi-fi networks near the user as well and transmitting that data... like every couple of minutes.
See above. Apple does something very similar. Whenever an app requests a location using GPS, the phone also scans for nearby cell towers and WiFi hotspots. That info is sent up to Apple to build their database.
Why does Google need to know this?
Same reason as Apple. While on this topic, let's hit the wayback machine:
Before the iPhone came out, Google was secretly collecting cell location info via any phone with GPS and Google Maps. Mostly Windows Mobile phones, I would think.
Good thing, too, because the iPhone debuted without GPS and was pretty much useless in that respect. Then Google unveiled a version of Google Maps using their cell location database, and suddenly the iPhone and other phones without GPS reception were useful after all.
Yet I use Google every day, but I at least know they're watching me.
Yet you didn't know Apple was. Ignorance is bliss.
Except that neither cares about watching YOU. They're watching for cells and hotspots. Sorry, they're more important :)
Ok, here's the information that's actually known about the consolidated.db file:
1) It records the locations of nearby wi-fi access points and cell towers.
2) When location services were originally added to the iPhone, the file had a different name and was stored in a different location. (It was moved as part of the multi-tasking updates.)
3) The purpose of the file has been explicitly spelled out by Apple *from the beginning*. It is used *by* location services to calculate your current position in order to be able to display your position faster than would be possible solely using GPS. (It's part of the Assisted GPS process.)
4) There is absolutely no evidence that the file's contents are ever transmitted to anyone. It exists on the iPhone, and in the backup(s) of said iPhone.
That's almost all correct (*). It's just a receive-only cache to speed up locating and use less battery and network resources.
(*) WiFi and cell are not part of A-GPS. The A in A-GPS on the iPhone is about receiving satellite information from an assistance server on the 'net.
Screen Wallpaper yahooExactly. You did set the context but you did fall out your words when you said that MAS download would be a better thing to exploit which in any case, not true.
Just like 'small white car' corrected you, there's nothing worse than an unrestricted Mac OS Install Disk. Simple.
I was referring to the terms of the licence, not any technical restrictions, so nobody corrected me.
Mac OS X Install DVD - one licence, one machine
Mac App Store - one licence, unlimited machines
I do not believe that Apple intends for people to install their Apps on any machine they encounter, but merely those that they own and use on a regular basis - hence the "abuse" comment.
wallpaper yahoo im,longboardsHow many people plan to dump their Core Duo Macs for Core 2 Duo Macs?I sold my iMac G5 back in June. :rolleyes:
wallpaper yahoo. surfingRebelScum
Apr 20, 09:06 AM
1)So I'll have fun with a Galaxy S2 while the gullible remain in denial.
So if I said the Galaxy S feels like it was made by Fisher Price, in that it feels cheap, too light, over-designed, kind of goofy-looking, and therefore a monumental piece of crap when coupled with Android's battery-sucking OS and Samsung's baffling UI, would you take that as a statement of fact, or just another cue that everything is subjective?
Not that I hate Android phones. Far from it. My wife has one. She thinks it's "neat". I agree. She also thinks the battery life is a PITA and the inability to sync on a Mac is just plain stupid. I, again, agree.
EDIT: I just watched a review for the Galaxy S2. The only thing new I took away from it was "Wow, there might be something to this Apple/Samsung lawsuit after all."
Desktop Wallpaper yahooiJohnHenry
Apr 10, 06:53 PM
But the average American gets a refund soooooo 288 clearly wins lol
So the government has use of your money all year, and you're OK with that?? :confused:
Nature Wallpaper yahooprincealfie
Mar 28, 11:00 AM
Started a new contact this month with the Verizon iPhone 4. I don't need any new phone for at least 2 more years. Perhaps I need a new laptop.
Christmas 3D wallpapers ?Very true. Listen to the man.
There's many analysts that believe ARM will supersede Intel.
Very well said, considering that right now the Cortex-A9 can do 4 core there is nothing to say that in a couple of years if not sooner they will double that.
I am not sure I can see the Pro running Arm but everything else even maybe iMac running arm of 4 or more core would make some sense. Still it a rummor and we really don't know what Intel will pull out of their bag in the next 2 years which is a long time in the tech sector.
But still possible to see Apple move completely into something not only they have control over but will make their machines so thin we will think it was magic:p
wallpaper from YahooWhy quicker?
I don't understand how it would be quicker either.
I want a new look....but nice specs...
Years ago, you had to pay for developer tools for any platform. Nobody jumped up and down complaining it should be free. So now the fee has moved from the tools to the developer program. $99 is the cost to develop apps for the iPhone. Deal with it.
LOL - you remind me of "when I was young, we didn't have electricity, we had to go outside to the outhouse...", type of thing :D
This isn't 'years ago', this is the here and now. I'll deal with it by Jail breaking my device and patching XCode.
What is my assumption?
Your assumption is that the multiplication of 2*(12) takes precedence over the 48/2. This is incorrect for the many reasons stated in the thread.
It can't without the extra parentheses.
Jul 29, 10:05 PM
Maybe the key would be to offer the IPhone for all providers, make it run
a mobile version of OS X with IChat video. I have Sprint and their music store downloads in AAC format. I have wondered if their music store is actually ITunes and they resell it as their own. Does any other carriers download in AAC?
Apple copying the power of the HTC Sensation. They should also concentrate on the IOS because its a joke compared to other new smartphone operating systems.
Troll time? Calling iOS a joke is a joke itself. Feel free to spam here, nice signature lol!